Much has been said about Inbox/Outbox relays lately. Inbox is the relay you use to receve posts from others. Outbox is the relay you use to offer your own posts to others. Both of these are public, anyone can download events from them.

Lately we have been debating a third relay type: Private Inbox: An inbox that receives anything from others but only you can download them. It's great for private messages and other sensitive content.

Yesterday's release of Drafts is making me think there is a 4th type: Private Outbox. A relay to store posts of an author that only the author can download. It can be a local relay, like Citrine on Android, or a remote Authed one.

A Private Outbox relay can be great to save things no one else needs to know but are core to the user experiene of any app: Your app settings, drafts, which posts you have viewed, mute lists, private follows/bookmarks, etc.

One of the next steps for Draft Events is to make a setting to pick which relays to send your Drafts to. And because of the Auto-save, a local relay running on your Android can be the ideal place for them: