#Amethyst v0.84.1: ncryptsec support (NIP-49)

Now you can export and login with a password-protected version of your private key.

This new format starts with ncryptsec and requires inputting a password to decrypt the key before loading it into a client. Keep in mind that the new format is not designed to replace your nsec, but to work side-by-side with it. Keep your nsec in the safest place you can and use the ncryptsec to move your key between devices, deleting it as soon as you are done with the transfer.

New Additions:
- Adds support for NIP49 to login and back up key screens
- Adds cryptographic support for NIP-49 to Quartz
- Enables citation on chats via @
- Adds "₿itcoin" to the set of custom hashtags

Updated translations:
- Portuguese by fiatjaf
- Hungarian by Zoltan ⚡️
- Dutch by Bartus
- Chinese by rasputin

Performance Improvements:
- Avoids the memory use of the flatten operation on Notification counters
- Adds a check for the main thread when pulling opengraph tags.
- No need to crossfade when clicking on Show More

Code Quality Improvements:
- Updates Compose dependencies

- Play Edition
- FOSS Edition - No translations