#Amethyst v0.80.7: njump.me share links, Greek and Indonesian support.

- Migrates external sharing service to njump.me by VictorieeMan
- Adds support for Greek by csavastel
- Adds support for Indonesian by Yonle? and Indonesia ⚡ Lea Octaviani 🍊
- Updates Spanish translations by ⚡₿it₿y₿it⚡
- Updates Arabic translations by Cats😺
- Fixes position of video controlling buttons when top bars are present in full screen.
- Fixes bug when the app calls isAcceptable directly, bypassing the other checks in AccountViewModel
- Fixes race condition when pausing and restarting relay connections
- Updates Kotlin compiler version
- Removes a recomposition between the started state and the isOnline state that is already cached.
- Migrates the check if stream is online to a single compose object.
- Forces relay reconnection when a new WIFI service is available
- Fixing translations of the that create the same message but with different character cases
- Refines the layout of Author Pictures for performance
- Refines layout of URL Previews for performance
- Refines the padding of chat messages and reaction row
- Correctly highliting a notification card on touch

- Play Edition
- FOSS Edition - No translations