#Amethyst v0.72.0-APLHA: New Memory Management

This new version constantly prunes the memory used by downloaded events by deleting them from memory after use. This leads to re-downloading some replies, zaps, and reactions when the user brings an event back into view. The re-downloading will be removed once we finish our local database implementation.

- Adds aggressive memory management to avoid Out of Memory
- Fixes the Back button leaving the app issue
- Interns event strings to avoid duplicating memory with hashes and pubkeys
- Improves search by looking into all tags of all events
- Improves Tamil Translations by @velram
- Adds missing translations cs/de/se by ⚡ Dee Kay ⚡🇸🇪🇬🇧🇨🇿🇧🇷🇦🇹
- Adds cryptographic and base event support for NIP-24 (GiftWraps and Sealed Gossip)
- Increases confidence requirements for the Translator
- Refactors the event creation into a Factory
- Adds new kinds to the hashtag and geotag search feeds
- Fixes the explainer text of the geohash addon
- Updates to the latest libraries
- Removes Leakcanary for debug builds
- Cleans up unused values in strings
- Fix: Ignores past version of addressable content in feeds
- Fix: Avoids showing community definition types in the community feed.
- Fix: Avoids downloading 1000s of Nostr Connect events that some clients are generating.

- Play Edition
- F-Droid Edition