#Amethyst v0.67.1: Custom Emoji Reactions

Adds early support for custom emojis in reactions. Add your preferred collection on emojis-iota.vercel.app to your user and those collections will be displayed as options to you on the Reaction setup screen (click and hold the like button).

- Support for Emoji Packs
- Support for Personal Emoji Lists
- Support for Custom emoji Reactions
- BugFix to redirect clicks on a repost to the reposted note instead

- Play Edition: https://github.com/vitorpamplona/amethyst/releases/download/v0.67.1/amethyst-googleplay-universal-v0.67.1.apk
- F-Droid Edition: https://github.com/vitorpamplona/amethyst/releases/download/v0.67.1/amethyst-fdroid-universal-v0.67.1.apk