Actually, I think the reporting function is pretty good in Amethyst. It does everything to get people to Block instead of reporting, which I think is a good call by MaxMoney21M⚡ at the time.

> Are you so sure this is the right way for users to engage in content filtering? By not being able to engage in it, but being dependent on someone else to have the same opinion as you?

I am not sure which filter you are talking about, but if it is a Report it does allow people to engage with it (it shows the "Show Anyway" button). If it is simple dumb spam, then the idea is to be temporary until those duplicates disappear. It can be better for sure, but somebody needs to spend time developing it.

> Instead, focus rather on a simplified content boosting approach, instead of content filtering.

We have more tools to boost content than to block it. So we are focusing on content boosting. But filtering is a necessity. No one wants the dick pics or non-family-friendly content when setting up their kid's accounts.

The majority of these features were developed because users didn't feel comfortable onboarding their own friends in the network. That feeling is changing but it's taking us a while to give them the confidence (and tools) to onboard others.